Empowering class members with re-imagined class action notices that are simpler, clearer, more effective, and accessible.

The Notice Project is an Impact Fund initiative to improve access to justice in class action lawsuits by helping class action litigators send better class notices.

At NoticeProject.org, litigators can find free templates for class action notices. The Notice Project templates are visually appealing and easier for class members to understand.

IN class action lawsuits, Many class members struggle to read and understand notices.

Class notices are important legal documents that contain critical information about class members’ legal rights and lawsuit-specific next steps.

When class notices use small fonts, dense front pages, and complex legal terminology, they become frustrating for class members to parse.

Unclear notices may cause class members to be confused about their legal rights or how to participate in the case.

Currently in development by the Notice Project:

NoticeAssist, software that makes it easy for litigators to craft crystal-clear class action notices that everyone can read and understand.

NoticeAssist is coming soon.